Section on Panidealism

“Panidealism” is an idealist philosophy underlying some of my recent efforts to revise the systems of formal research and higher education. However, it is my own personal philosophy, and should not be linked to the institution I am founding. It bears some similarities to the philosophies of Kant, Russell, Plato, Aristotle, and Berkeley, but it was developed independently of these philosophies. The philosophy concerns itself with ideas - primarily what they are, how to generate them, and how they interact with reality. It will probably make you more creative (all but the ethics section, anyway, which takes a wider, societal scope), and many experts on creativity have independently espoused similar behaviors for fostering creativity (likely consequences of the underlying abstract principles we present herein). It is founded on the following principles, which are discussed in detail in their respective sections:

Before proceeding, it should be noted that we do not use “ideas” solely to refer to creations of the mind. Rather, we consider them in a manner closer to Plato's Forms: abstract principles comprehensible by the mind, particularly the intuition. Examples include “made of wood”, “occupation”, “Gaussian”, and “Beethoven Sonata”.
